Office 2016 Essential skills after migration – eLearning A to Z

In conjunction with ENI,
European Leader in e-learning solutions


Discover the new interface and basic features of the software included in the Microsoft® Office 2016 suite.

Target audience

Anyone needing to use the basic features of the Microsoft® Office 2016 pack.

Level required

Knowledge of a Microsoft Office version previous to 2007.


Estimated time to complete the essential modules

10 h 05 min

Course content

The essential modules

Microsoft Office 2016: New Features

This module includes a video made up of 14 sequences.

  • What’s new in Excel 2016
    • Creating a hierarchical chart
    • Creating a waterfall chart
    • Creating a Histogram statistic chart
    • Creating a Pareto statistic chart
    • Creating a Box and Whisker statistic chart
    • Using the new pivot table features
    • Using a selection of multiple slicers for filtering
    • Creating a 3D map
  • What’s new in PowerPoint 2016
    • Recording on-screen action
  • What’s new in Outlook 2016
    • New ways of working with attachments
  • New 2016 Features common to Word, Excel and PowerPoint
    • Using Tell me help
    • Inserting a handwritten equation
    • New techniques for opening and saving files
    • Using Smart Lookup

Excel 2016 – Essential skills after migration

This module offers interactive training consisting of 22 training videos, 22 exercises and 3 additional resources.

New in 2016: 01 – Basic commands part 1

  • You need to know: About your spreadsheet application
  • Opening a workbook
  • Overview of the environment
  • Calculating a sum and other basic functions
  • Applying a theme
  • Cell colour
  • Page layout
  • Print preview and printing
  • Creating a new workbook
  •  Using Microsoft Excel Help
  •  Zoom
  • Inserting and deleting sheets, sheet background

New in 2016: 02 – Basic commands part 2

  • Cell styles
  • You need to know: Calculating with functions
  • Control date, date formats
  • Applying a conditional format
  • Managing conditional formats
  • Sorting data
  • Splitting the window, freezing a column/row
  • page breaks
  • Print areas
  • You need to know: Headers and footers
  • Headers and footers
  • Diffusing Excel data: PDF, XPS, e-mail and Web page
  • Converting Excel files

Outlook 2016 – Essential skills for managing messages

This module offers interactive training consisting of 17 training videos, 17 exercises and 3 additional resources.

Working with messages

  • You need to know: About your e-mail application
  • Reading messages
  • You need to know: Text made easy
  • Creating and sending messages
  • You need to know: Formatting characters
  • Managing text in a message
  • Attaching files to a message
  • Managing items attached to a received message
  • Replying to a message
  • Forwarding a message
  • Printing messages
  • Deleting a message

Working with the e-mail application

  • Finding messages
  • Sorting, grouping and filtering messages
  • Managing outgoing messages
  • Message tracking options
  • Message follow-up flags
  • Adding a signature to a message
  • Message templates or forms
  • Recalling and resending a message

PowerPoint 2016 – Essential skills after migration

This module offers interactive training consisting of 18 training videos, 18 exercises and 1 additional resource.

New in 2016 – 01 – Overview

  • You need to know: About your presentation program
  • Opening a presentation
  • Overview of the working environment
  • Views
  • Zoom
  • Saving a presentation
  • Notes page
  • Spell checking
  • Synonyms and translation
  • Playing the slide show
  • Page layout and orientation
  • Print preview and printing
  • Creating a new presentation
  • Using PowerPoint’s help

New in 2016 – 02 – Creating and managing slides

  • Creating slides
  • Themes and layouts
  • Slide creation and text input in Outline view
  • Inserting slides from another presentation
  • Sections

Word 2016 – Essential skills after migration

This module offers interactive training consisting of 29 training videos, 29 exercises and 2 additional resources.

New in 2016: 01 – Basic commands part 1

  • You need to know: About your word processor
  • Opening a document
  • Overview of the environment
  • Formatting characters
  • Character colour
  • Creating a new document
  • Inserting special characters
  • Paragraph spacing
  • Borders and shading
  • Customised numbered list
  • Customised bulleted list
  • Page layout
  • Zoom
  • Printing
  • Using Microsoft Word Help

New in 2016: 02 – Basic commands part 2

  • Finding text/formatting
  • Checking spelling and grammar
  • Finding synonyms
  • Different levels in a list
  • List styles
  • AutoCorrect settings
  • Creating an AutoText
  • Using an AutoText
  • Managing AutoTexts
  • Headers and footers
  • Page numbering
  • Converting Word documents
  • You need to know: Import, export and interoperability with Word
  •  Transfer, export: PDF, XPS, text, web page, e-mail
  • Versions and recovery of files
  • Views and windows
Duration : 10 h 05 min
Regular Rate : 175.00 $
Preferential Rate : 148.75 $
Note :

License offered for 1 year – access to videos and step-by-step evaluations

Upcoming Dates
