Office 365 OneDrive OF-002
What is OneDrive?
Be in an Office 365 environment
OneDrive for Business in Office 365
- Creating folders and files in OneDrive
- Editing and renaming a document in OneDrive
- Saving and renaming a file in OneDrive
- Uploading a file or a folder in OneDrive
- Saving on OneDrive from an office application
- Connecting an application to Office 365
- Pinning a file or a document folder
- Opening a document in OneDrive
- Managing versions in OneDrive
- Moving or copying in OneDrive
- Coediting a document online in OneDrive
- Coediting an Excel workbook online in OneDrive
- Adding online comments on OneDrive
- Adding comments with the client desktop in OneDrive
- Sharing a document or a folder in OneDrive
- Sharing an open document online in OneDrive
- Stopping sharing of a file in OneDrive
- Creating a link to a document or a folder that can be shared in OneDrive
- Removing a link that can be shared in OneDrive
- Finding files that are shared with me in OneDrive
- Changing a sharing permission level in OneDrive
- Stopping sharing of a folder in OneDrive
- Finding documents in OneDrive with the assistance of OneDrive
Duration : 3 Hours
Note :
Regular Rate :
179.00 $
Preferential Rate : 152.15 $Note :
Webinar Web Platform
Access available 15 minutes before the Webinar.
The access instructions and the password will be provided by email 48 hours before the presentation.