W-EX-AUTO Automate a workbook

Course Overview

You have many work procedures in Excel that are repetitive, when you could consider automating the procedure.

If you want to convert Excel into a custom application, then you could consider automating the workbook.

The primary objective of this Webinar is to allow you to create and use your own “macros” in an Excel workbook. Although it can be complex, using macros is not as complex as you might think.

After this presentation, you will be able to create simple but efficient macros that can save you a lot of time in your work with Excel.


Use Excel frequently


Discover the power and the limits of Excel macros;

Understand the difference between random and constant;

Know the two work levels in Excel automation (Recorder and code);

Install the appropriate work environment;

Create a macro step by step:

  • Prepare the actions ;
  • Use the macro recorder ;
  • Discover the tools to trigger a macro ;
  • Take a look at VBA code.
Duration : 1 h 30
Regular Rate : 125.00 $
Preferential Rate : 106.25 $
Note :

Training virtual class
Web platform

Access available 15 minutes before the Webinar The access instructions and the password will be supplied by email 48 hours before the presentation.

Upcoming Dates


Virtual Class

25 November 2024 from 13:00 to 15:30

Virtual Class

20 January 2025 from 13:00 to 15:30